Photoshop is my saviour. I thought this whole... erm... half an hour of effort was wasted since my black marker suddenly decided to bleed. Not too bad for a saved effort though. You wouldn't recognise the original from this.
And I do not understand why in the world I was saving the damn things as JPEGs. GIFs are so much sharper!
1. Despite what you may think, stick figures are NOT copyrighted by And until I learn to draw much better and/or manage my time well enough to have at least 3 useful 'awake' hours a day to draw, I doubt that's going to change! 2. When do I update? I wish I could say Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but that isn't going to happen, is it? So your best bet would be to check every Monday morning which gives me time on the weekend. 3. This is a not-so-futile attempt to strike some things off my 'When I am 21 I Will...' list. I'm 22 in August. Egads! That isn't far away!